
All You Need to Know About Heat Pumps

A heat pump is a device that transfers heat energy from a source of heat to what is called a “heat sink.” Heat pumps are designed to transfer thermal energy from a cold space to a warmer one, by absorbing heat and releasing it. A heat pump requires a minimal amount of external electricity to move energy from its heat source to the heating unit.

Heat pumps are powered by electricity, but the cost of operation is lower than electric resistance heating because they use less energy overall. In fact, geothermal and air-source heat pumps can provide very efficient heating and cooling for your home or office and are some of the most economical HVAC options on the market today.

How Does a Heat Pump Work?

A typical air-source heat pump system includes an outdoor unit containing the compressor and fan, and an indoor unit with the blower and evaporator coil. Most systems also include a furnace or air handler indoors to provide backup heating when needed. 

Here’s how it works:

  • In winter, the outdoor unit collects heat from the air and delivers it indoors. The refrigerant in the coils absorbs this heat as it changes from a liquid to a vapor. The now warm refrigerant vapour passes through a compressor where its pressure and temperature increase further. The hot refrigerant then passes through indoor coils where it releases its heat, warming the air inside your home or office. The cooled refrigerant then returns outside where the process starts all over again.

  • In summer, the process is reversed, and the outdoor unit collects warm air from inside your home or office and transfers it outdoors. By removing this warm air, your space is cooled much like an air conditioner would operate.

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Top Heat Pumps UK

Types of Heat Pumps

There are two main types of heat pumps: air-source and ground-source (geothermal). Air-source heat pumps are the most common type, and they can be used in most climates. Ground-source or geothermal heat pumps are more efficient and work best in moderate climates.

Air-Source Heat Pumps

Air-source heat pumps are less expensive to install than ground-source heat pumps, and they can be used in any climate. However, they are less efficient in very cold or very hot weather because they rely on the temperature of the air outside to operate.

In extremely cold weather, an air-source heat pump may need to be supplemented with a backup heating system, such as electric resistance heating or a fossil fuel furnace.

Ground-Source (Geothermal) Heat Pumps

Ground-source heat pumps are more efficient than air-source heat pumps because they rely on the constant temperature of the earth to operate. They can be used in any climate, but they are most efficient in moderate climates.

Ground-source heat pumps are more expensive to install than air-source heat pumps because they require special equipment to tap into the earth’s heat.

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What Are the Benefits of Heat Pumps?

Heat pumps offer many benefits over other types of HVAC systems. They are energy efficient, can save you money on your energy bills, and are environmentally friendly. 

Here are some of the key benefits of heat pumps:

  • Energy Efficiency: Heat pumps are one of the most energy-efficient ways to heat and cool your home or office. They use less energy than electric resistance heating and cooling, and they can provide substantial savings on your energy bills.
  • Environmental Friendliness: Heat pumps do not burn fossil fuels to generate heat, so they do not produce carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases. This makes them a much more environmentally friendly option than systems that rely on fossil fuels.
  • Lower Cost of Operation: Heat pumps typically cost less to operate than electric resistance heating and cooling. In fact, geothermal and air-source heat pumps can provide very efficient heating and cooling for your home or office and are some of the most economical HVAC options available.
  • Improved Indoor Air Quality: Heat pumps circulate air throughout your home or office, which helps to remove pollutants and improve indoor air quality.
  • Quiet Operation: Heat pumps are very quiet when they are running, so you can enjoy the comfort of your home or office without the noise of a traditional HVAC system.
  • Flexible Installation: Heat pumps can be installed in a variety of locations, both inside and outside your home or office. This makes them a versatile option for many different types of buildings.

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Heat Pump Repair in uk

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Underfloor Heating Installation

What Are the Disadvantages of Heat Pumps?

Heat pumps do have some disadvantages that you should be aware of before you decide to install one in your home or office. Here are some of the key disadvantages of heat pumps:

  • Upfront Cost: Heat pumps can be more expensive to install than other types of HVAC systems. This is because they require special equipment, such as an outdoor unit, to function properly.
  • Inability to heat in extremely cold weather: In very cold weather, air-source heat pumps may not be able to generate enough heat to warm your home or office. This is because they rely on the temperature of the air outside to operate. If you live in an area with very cold winters, you may need to supplement your heat pump with a backup heating system, such as electric resistance heating or a fossil fuel furnace.
  • Less efficient in very hot weather: In very hot weather, heat pumps may not be able to generate enough cool air to keep your home or office comfortable. This is because they rely on the temperature of the air outside to operate. If you live in an area with very hot summers, you may need to supplement your heat pump with a backup cooling system, such as an evaporative cooler or an air conditioner.


If you’re still on the fence about whether or not to get a heat pump for your home, we hope this article has helped you make a more informed decision.

Heat pumps are becoming more and more popular as people become more aware of their benefits, so there’s a good chance that you may be able to find one that meets your needs and fits within your budget. 

Keep in mind that it’s important to consult with a professional before making any decisions, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

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24 Jun, 2024

An Essential Guide to Heat Pumps

All You Need to Know About Heat PumpsA heat pump is a device that transfers heat energy from a source of heat to what is...

Driven by a focus on efficiency, sustainability, and user experience, modern boilers are far more intelligent and eco-friendly than their predecessors. This article explores the cutting-edge developments in boiler technology, highlighting how they are shaping the future of heating for both residential and commercial applications.

We will delve into advancements that boost efficiency, reduce environmental impact, and offer greater control and convenience to users. By understanding these innovations, building owners and homeowners can make informed decisions when choosing or upgrading their boiler systems.

Overview of the importance of boiler technology advancements

Modern gas boilers are, without a doubt, more advanced than older boilers. They are more efficient and they have an improved combustion process. What is more, they are equipped with smart control systems that can enable homeowners to freely control the temperatures inside their homes.

These advancements don’t only include performance but also aesthetics. New boilers feature modern designs that can blend into the boiler’s surroundings.

How advancements in boiler technology have contributed to energy efficiency and sustainability?

Performance and efficiency are a priority for modern boilers. Modern boilers will not only heat your home, but also use less energy in order to save you money on energy bills. Moreover, modern boilers are more environmentally friendly than their old counterparts. You can reduce your carbon footprint with a new more efficient boiler. 

Read about: Do Electric Boilers Need Servicing?

Advancements in Boiler Technology

Condensing Boilers

Explanation of what condensing boilers are and how they work?

A condensing boiler is a type of heating appliance that is designed to maximise energy efficiency by recovering heat from the combustion process. Unlike traditional boilers that release waste gases into the atmosphere, condensing boilers are able to extract additional heat from these gases before they are exhausted.

Benefits of condensing boilers in terms of energy efficiency and cost savings

The main reason to purchase a new condensing boiler is the large savings in fuel and therefore money.

Most standard efficiency boilers will operate at 70%-80% efficiency (some older boilers will operate at levels as low as 50% efficiency).

A condensing boiler will run at an optimum efficiency of 95% sometimes rising to 98% in certain conditions.

Overview of biomass boilers and their use of renewable resources

Biomass boilers operate by burning wood. Wood can be considered as a highly sustainable, renewable and carbon neutral fuel. Although it sounds like an old way of generating heat, it is still quite reliable. Biomass boilers are a great option if you’re looking for an alternative option for fossil fuel.

There are different fuels which can be used by biomass boilers. However, wood chips, wood pellets and wood logs are the most common. These three options have the ability to save you money over electricity, gas and oil. 

If you live near a wooded area, you can easily gather some wood logs if you know where to look. They would cost you nothing.

It is better to buy biomass boilers in bulk in order to be stored at your home. That is why you should look at the cost per tonne. Pellets are higher in cost, while wood chips are more affordable

What are the advantages of biomass boilers?

There are different pros to having a biomass boiler. These include:

High efficiency of over 90%

Efficiency is determined by how much fuel is converted into energy. Biomass boilers have an efficiency of over 90%. 

Renewal energy source 

Wood is a renewable energy source. Fuel for biomass boilers will always be available as long as plants are being planted. 

Affordable to run

Biomass boilers are cheaper per kW in comparison with oil, gas and electricity. If you have a supply or access to wood, then a biomass boiler can be financially beneficial for you. 

Hybrid Heat Pump Boilers

Explanation of hybrid heat pump boilers and their combination of heat pump and boiler technologies

A hybrid heat pump can be defined as a heating system that combines both a heat pump and a boiler. This kind of system can provide efficient and consistent hot water all year round. 

Hybrid heat pumps are more suited to be installed in large homes with high heating demands. Moreover, these systems can automatically switch between using the heat pump or the boiler, depending on which one is more energy efficient at a given time. 

Read about: Main Boiler Error Codes / Fault Codes

What are the benefits of hybrid heat pump boilers?


Hybrid systems are reliable all year round. It can adjust itself automatically to weather conditions. They can provide hot water and heating to your home in one energy efficient system. 

Energy efficient 

Heat pumps are known for their high efficiency, which can stand at 300-400%. Hybrid heat pumps boilers can switch between a heat pump or a boiler automatically in order to maximise efficiency. 

Long lifespan 

Hybrid systems require less maintenance and they can last longer. 

Environmentally friendly 

Heat pumps can help reduce your carbon footprint as you will not be 100% reliant on fossil fuels.

Read more Worcester Bosch Greenstar 8000 Life Combi Boiler Review 

Advancements in Boiler Technology

Smart Boiler Controls

Introduction to smart boiler controls and their ability to optimise boiler performance

Smart boiler controls give you the ability to control your home’s heating system using a smart device. You can control a smart thermostat using voice commands if you link it to another smart device. Smart thermostats can help you keep your heating system efficient in order to save you energy. 

An accompanying app can be used to increase or decrease the temperature instead of using simple scheduling methods on a traditional thermostat. For example, if you are out and realise you will not be home for some time, you can easily turn off your heating using your smartphone. Or you can set the heating to be one when you are home.

Advantages of smart boiler controls in terms of energy savings and convenience

With a smart thermometer, you will be able to adjust your heating whether you are at home or away. You can easily set up heating schedules to make your heating more efficient and environmentally friendly. 

Investing in a smart thermostat device is an important step because a thermostat can control 60% of your energy bills. In short, smart thermostats will help you reduce your energy bills. 


Summary of the latest advancements in boiler technology

Advancement in boiler technology has come a long way. Manufacturers are always pushing for better efficiency and higher performance. New boilers aren’t only efficient but they also try to be as environmentally friendly as possible in order to reduce your carbon footprint.

Condensing boilers are a great example for that. Smart boiler controls have also made boilers more efficient and helped homeowners have easier control over the temperature inside their homes.

Future prospects and potential developments in the field

Manufacturers are hoping to develop and introduce boilers that can partially run on hydrogen. Even some boilers today are manufactured to be hydrogen ready. In short, advancement in boiler technology is only going forward.

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Common Sime Boiler Error Codes

Regular Boilers and how does it works

Boiler Finance: Affordable Options for Your Home


What is the new technology in boilers?

They are more efficient and they have an improved combustion process. What is more, they are equipped with smart control systems that can enable homeowners to freely control the temperatures inside their homes.

What are the advances in boiler technologies?

The use of condensing technology and smart thermostats have made boilers more efficient than before.

What is the future for boilers?

Manufacturers are hoping to develop and introduce boilers that can partially run on hydrogen.

What is the latest home heating technology?

Heat pumps have been increasing in popularity across the UK. Hybrid heat pump boilers have proved to be both efficient and more environmentally friendly. 

09 Jun, 2024

Advancements in Boiler Technology

Driven by a focus on efficiency, sustainability, and user experience, modern boilers are far more intelligent and eco-friendly...

A malfunctioning boiler can bring your home comfort to a screeching halt. But don’t shiver through winter nights! Replacing your boiler can be a significant investment, and choosing the right installation service is crucial. This guide will equip you with the knowledge to navigate the world of boiler installation, ensuring you find a trustworthy and qualified professional to keep your home warm and your wallet happy.

Reasons why a boiler installation service is important in the UK

Boilers are a very important part of UK households. They make our homes warm and comfortable. We use them almost all year round. So it only makes sense that we pick the right boiler and the right installer. 

Boiler installation services require a professional heating engineer who knows what they’re doing and is a Gas Safe Registered engineer. 

Factors to consider when choosing a boiler installation service

Getting a professional installer is important because they can help you keep your heating system up to building regulations. These regulations exist in order to keep our homes and communities safe. 

Most boiler warranties require that your boiler should be installed by a professional. Otherwise, your warranty will be null and void. 

In conclusion, a professional boiler installer is required to ensure safe and smooth installation. You might think you can save money on boiler installation by doing it yourself but you might end up buying more if anything goes wrong. 

Types of Boilers

Overview of different types of boilers available in the UK market

Features and benefits of each type of boiler

There are three main types of boilers. These are combi boilers, system boilers and regular boilers. Each type is different in its own way. 

Combi boiler

A combi or a combination boiler is compact in size. It can provide both hot water and heating. 

Read more: Do Electric Boilers Need Servicing?

Best Boiler Installation Services

What are the pros of combi boilers?

A combi boiler is very efficient  

A combi boiler is very efficient when it comes to energy consumption. It would save you a lot of money since it can be used for both providing hot water and heating your home.  

They are small in size  

A combi boiler is perfect for a house that is small in size. You will not need to make space for a water tank or cylinder due to the fact that a combi boiler takes water from the mains directly.  

On-demand hot water  

With a combi boiler you don’t need to worry about having enough water in the hot water storage. It will provide hot water instantly.  

Installation Flexibility  

Combi boilers are relatively small and consist of a single unit. As a result, they can offer more flexibility when it comes to their Installation place. 

Read about: Main Boiler Error Codes / Fault Codes

Best Boiler Installation Services

What are the cons of combi boilers?

  • Combi boilers can struggle with high water demand. Having multiple taps or showers on at the same time may lead to one of them to go cold. A combi boiler is not recommended when you have more than one bathroom. 
  • Combi boilers require high pressure water from the mains. If you live in an area with low water pressure, then the water coming from your taps will also be at low pressure. 
  • An old plumping network might not be able to cope with high pressure water flow from your combi boiler. So your home might require new pipes before getting a combi boiler. 

System boilers

System boilers work together with a hot water cylinder in order to provide hot water and heating for your home. System boilers take water directly from the mains. 

Read about: Professional & Reliable Boiler Repair

What are the pros of system boilers?

Can save up space

A system boiler does not need a cold water tank and as a result can save you some space. 

Good for large homes

A system boiler can provide water to several taps and showers at the same time. In short, it can meet a high level of demand for hot water. 

Compatible with solar panels 

System boilers can be paired with solar panels if you are looking for a green way to generate power. 

Hot water on demand 

System boilers have a built-in pump that can deliver hot water on demand once you turn on a tap or a shower. 

Can be more efficient 

By using an electric immersion heater, your system boiler can be made more efficient and less reliant on gas.

Read more: Common Sime Boiler Error Codes

What are the cons of system boilers?

  • When you use all the hot water stored in the cylinder, you’ll need to wait for the boiler to heat some more.
  • System boilers need a hot water cylinder so if you don’t have enough space at your home they might be inconvenient for you. 
  • If you live in an area with low water pressure, a system boiler might not be the best choice. What is more, if you have old radiators, they might not be able to cope with the high water pressure of a system boiler. 
  • Due to having more parts than a combi boiler, a system boiler might require more maintenance. 

Regular boilers

Regular boilers or heat-only boilers can provide both hot water and heating to your home. They are designed to draw water from a cold water tank and to store hot water in a hot water cylinder.

What are the pros of regular boilers?

  • Replacement is simple and easy 

Replacing your old regular boiler with a newer version is less costly and damaging to your home. So it’s always the safer option to go with if you don’t want to spend a lot or worry about damages. 

  • Meets your high demand of heating and hot water 

If you have a home with multiple bathrooms, then a regular boiler is a great choice. It can meet your demand for hot water and heating. With a large capacity to store hot water, it means that you can use several taps and outlets at the same time. 

  • More efficiency 

Older boilers with no condensing technology should be replaced with a condensing boiler. Condensing boilers are more efficient and consume less energy. As a result, they will reduce the cost of your heating bills. Nowadays, some regular boilers are 97% efficient. 

  • Able to have an immersion heater as a backup 

A backup immersion heater would make sure that you don’t go out without hot water in case your boiler breaks down. The immersion heater would be fitted in the hot water cylinder. 

  • Solar compatibility 

Presently, you can use solar thermal panels to produce hot water using solar power. Just make sure that your cylinder and the model you buy are compatible with solar thermal. 

Read about: Regular Boilers and how does it works

What are the cons of regular boilers?

  • Hot water isn’t always instant in busier times 

Once you use all the stored hot water in your cylinder, you have to wait for some time to be able to use hot water again. Always buy a cylinder with the capacity to meet your hot water demands and needs. 

  • Needs lots of space 

Regular boilers need space for the water tank and the hot water cylinder. That’s why it’s not a good choice for smaller homes that don’t have much space. For smaller homes, a combi boiler is more suitable. 

  • Installation can be costly 

Because there are many parts to be installed around the house, a new boiler installation can be pricey. Aside from being expensive it can also take a lot of time. 

Finding the Right Boiler Installation Service

Researching and evaluating boiler installation companies in the UK

When looking for a boiler installation, it is better to find a local installer because the installation cost varies in different cities across the UK. 

What is more, in case of some boiler emergency, a boiler installer that is near you will be able to get to your home as soon as possible. 

Importance of checking credentials and certifications of service providers

Make sure to find a boiler installer that is accredited and certified. Gas boilers can be tricky to deal with, considering the potential of gas leak. So make sure to hire a Gas Safe Registered heating engineer who knows what he is doing. Here at Smart Adapt, safety is a priority for us. 

Read about: Boiler on Finance

Understanding the cost factors involved in boiler installation

The installation cost varies, depending on the type of boiler you are installing, the size and the complexity of the pipework. Some jobs can be quite complex which might take more than a day and as a result, the cost will increase accordingly. 

Tips for budgeting and obtaining competitive quotes

You can make use of boiler finance. Boiler finance is a way to pay for your boiler installation at your ease through instalments. Nowadays, you can pay monthly for your brand new boiler with 0% interest and no deposit needed. 

You can easily get a monthly finance plan to pay for your new boiler. This plan will enable you to spread the cost over a period of time that is suitable for your budget. Moreover, you can pay for it in 2 years, 5 years or even in a decade. The choice is yours. And here lies the beauty of boiler finance. 

Best Boiler Installation Services

Step-by-step guide to the boiler installation process

The first thing to be done when installing a boiler is to assess the current heating system and try to determine how the job will be carried out. Your installer will check your pipes as well to see if they are in a good condition. This process can determine how long the job will take and what kind of tasks are involved. 

Of course by that time, the boiler size and type will be determined as well. In most cases, people will just replace their current boiler with the same type. In other cases, different types might be needed. For example, swapping a regular boiler with a system boiler or combi to a system if a combi boiler can’t meet your home’s hot water demand. 

Inspection of the installation area for suitability

The location site would need to be prepared before the installation takes place. A survey of the place will be carried. The designated place will be checked for suitability, making sure the place is big enough to have a boiler installed. 

To grant easier access to your installer, it is recommended that you clean and clear the are of anything that might be in the way. The work can be carried much faster when the place of installation is well prepared. So make sure to remove any obstacles that might delay the job at hand. 

Installation Process

What comes next in the process is the actual installation of your new boiler. The heating engineer would connect your boiler to the water supply. Your boiler will also be connected to the gas supply. Your heating engineer should be Gas Safe Registered to ensure safety. Remember that gas leaks are dangerous so always hire a Gas Safe Registered engineer. 

Other steps will involve connecting the pipework together and ensuring that there are no leaks whatsoever and that everything is in its correct place. Of course, the complexity of the job and how long it can take depend on the job at hand. Whether it is like-to-like boiler swap or replacing your boiler with another boiler type.

Testing and Commissioning

The final step would involve checking that your system is working as smoothly as possible and that there are no leaks. The pipework will be checked to ensure that there are no water or gas leaks. 

The heating engineer will also walk you through your boiler’s settings and ensure that your boiler is performing well, ensuring that your boiler is functioning as efficiently as possible and without any unforeseen problems. 

Estimated timelines for completion

A survey of the installation site will determine how long boiler installation will last. It can last for a few hours and sometimes for 3 days, depending on the complexity of the job at hand. Sometimes different tasks will be involved. 

Importance of regular maintenance and servicing for boilers

In order to keep your boiler working smoothly and efficiently, regular maintenance and servicing of your boiler will be required at least a year after installation. And after that your system should be checked at least once a year. 

Boiler maintenance can help detect upcoming issues that are still in their initial stages. Fixing these issues at their start can save you money on costly repairs when it is too late. What is more, a well-maintained boiler or heating system will work more efficiently and can save you money on energy bills. 

Tips for finding providers of boiler servicing and aftercare services in the UK

There are also plans that you can get from many companies. It’s like a subscription. In return, your boiler will be serviced accordingly. You can check reviews left by customers to determine if this is the right one for you. 

the Best Boiler Installation Services in uk

Smart Adapt has been in the boiler business for quite some time now. We pride ourselves on our expertise and years of experience and hard work. We offer a range of services that include boiler installation, replacement and emergency boiler fix. 

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Best combi boilers & boiler brands

Genuine Vaillant Boilers Review In Uk

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is a typical boiler installation UK?

A new boiler can cost between £1,500 and £5,000 with installation cost. Combi boilers range from £500 to £3,000, conventional boilers cost between £600 and £3,500, and system boilers are priced from £580 to £3,500.

How do I choose a boiler installer?

Always check if they are accredited and certified. Make sure they are Gas Safe Registered. 

What is the best boiler in the UK?

There are different brands of boilers available in the UK, the most common are:
Worcester Bosch

Who are the top 5 boiler manufacturers?

The top 5 boiler manufacturers are Worcester Bosch, Vaillant, Viessmann, Baxi and Ideal.

09 Jun, 2024

Best Boiler Installation Services

A malfunctioning boiler can bring your home comfort to a screeching halt. But don't shiver through winter nights! Replacing your...

Gas boilers are very common across the UK. They run on natural gas that is automatically supplied from the national gas grid. However, electric boilers are increasing in popularity as well. They are a good boiler option and worth considering. 

Electric boilers do not burn fossil fuels so they are considered to be a low carbon heating option for homeowners. They run on electricity taken from the national network or they can use electricity produced by solar panels. 

In this article we are going to explore the difference between both types and see which one is cheaper to run and which one is more environmentally friendly. 

Advantages of electric boilers 

Electric boilers can reduce your carbon footprint since they do not burn fossil fuels. However, they can only achieve zero-emissions performance if they use electricity coming from renewable sources such as solar panels. That is why electric boilers are compatible to work with solar panel systems. 

When it comes to efficiency, electric boilers have the highest efficiency rates. They stand at 99%. Energy wastage is always kept at minimum with an electric boiler.

What is more, electric boilers are ideal for remote homes that are not connected to the national gas grid, given that the property is mot too big with a very high demand for hot water and central heating. 

With electric boilers you wouldn’t have to worry about carbon monoxide leak. Electric boilers also have fewer parts which means they are less prone to malfunction. That is why they are easier to maintain. 

Electric boilers operate very quietly. Their compact size and their flexibility make them both cheaper and easier to install. They don’t require a flue pipe as well. 

Read about: Common Sime Boiler Error Codes

Electric vs Gas Boilers

Advantages of gas boilers

On the other hand, gas boilers are the cheapest way available to heat a home. They are more affordable to run. In the UK, there are more options for gas boilers available on the market so you will have more choices. 

What is more, gas boilers have a wide range of maximum output ratings. Their range starts from 9kW to 150kW. And this wide range of outputs make gas boilers suitable for various home types, including very large properties with high demand for hot water and central heating. 

Disadvantages of electric boilers

Since electricity is more expensive than natural gas, electric boilers running costs can be quite high. Furthermore, while they are good for small homes, they aren’t so great for large homes with a high demand for hot water. However, there are some electric boiler models that can be suitable for a house with 5 bedrooms. 

Although electric boilers don’t burn fossil fuels, they still use electricity to run. So unless they use a renewable energy source, they won’t be zero-emissions free. 

Disadvantages of gas boilers 

Gas boilers burn fossil fuels. They are one of the most significant contributors to CO2 emissions. You might want to replace your gas boiler with a heat pump if that is your concern. 

Gas boilers are prone to a carbon monoxide leak if they are defective. Carbon monoxide is quite dangerous. It is odourless and can cause brain damage or even death in some cases. 

Gas boilers have more moving parts that can wear out over time. So a gas boiler should be serviced once a year to keep it working smoothly. 

Read more: Professional & Reliable Boiler Repair

New Boiler Cost

Which boiler is cheaper to run gas or electric?

Although electric boilers are very efficient, they can still be expensive to run. This is due to the high prices of electricity across the UK. 

Gas, on the other hand, is much cheaper and that is why gas boilers are the most common across the UK. 

Read about: Regular Boilers and how does it works

Do electric or gas boilers heat my home better?

Both gas and electric boilers can do a great job heating your home. Their effectiveness is relevant to your home’s heating requirements and demand. 

Generally speaking, gas boilers are more powerful and are well suited to meet the high water demand of a large property. 

What is the cost of installing gas and electric boilers?

Gas and electric boilers have a similar price range. However, gas boilers might be cheaper due to their abundance and various brands. The price of a new boiler, gas or electric, can be from £500 to £2,000.

In addition to the boiler price, there is also the price of installation. The price of a boiler installation can vary accordingly to different factors such as:

  • Boiler size
  • Boiler location 
  • Any additional pipework 

The price of boiler installation can be from £500 to £1,000.

Electric boilers can be cheaper when it comes to the price of installation. They do not require a flue or condensate pipes. You can install them almost anywhere. 

Read more:

Do Electric Boilers Need Servicing?

Main Boiler Error Codes / Fault Codes

Worcester Bosch Greenstar 8000 Life Combi Boiler Review 


Which boiler is more efficient, gas or electric?

Electric boilers are more efficient than gas boilers. They have a very high efficiency rate of %99. 

Which boiler is cheaper to run, gas or electric?

In the UK, gas is much cheaper than electricity. As a result, gas boilers are cheaper to run than electric boilers.

How much is an electric boiler?

Electric boilers can cost between £500 to £2,000 without the cost of installation. 

What are the advantages of electric boilers?

Electric boilers are
Highly efficient
Low carbon footprint 
Compatible with solar panels 
Zero risks of CO leaks

09 Jun, 2024

Electric vs Gas Boilers

Gas boilers are very common across the UK. They run on natural gas that is automatically supplied from the national gas grid....

Daikin are well known for their premium quality products and innovative cooling technology. They are one of the leaders in the world of air conditioning, heating and ventilation. If you are looking for a good AC unit, then Daikin Air Conditioners might be the right answer. 

Daikin are well known for their premium quality products and innovative cooling technology. They are one of the leaders in the world of air conditioning, heating and ventilation. If you are looking for a good AC unit, then Daikin Air Conditioners might be the right answer. 

Our goal is to provide our customers with high quality air conditioners. We extend our services to both commercial and residential buildings.  

Daikin Air Conditioning Units

The line of Daikin’s air conditioners is designed to be the ideal option for your home conditioning. Daikin always aims to produce energy efficient technology and this can be clearly experienced with their air conditioning units.  

Daikin has a wide range of air conditioners for you to choose from. Their products are compatible with smart technology. So you will be able to use your phone to control your air conditioning unit. 

Can Split systems heat and cool? 

Ductless mini-split systems are energy efficient air conditioning and heating options, environmentally friendly and completely customizable. They offer homeowners the ability to cool and heat specific areas of their homes to the exact temperature they want, providing both consistent and exceptional year-round comfort. 

Daikin Air Conditioning in the UK 

Most homes in the UK might not be designed to fit an air conditioner. However, here at Lets Heat, we can always work something out. Our team of experts have the ability to be innovative and to think outside the box. Get a quote today and see for yourself. Our services include: installing a new air conditioning system, servicing your unit and providing air conditioning repair.   

Troubleshooting for Daikin Air Conditioning

Facing issues or faults with your air conditioning is something that cannot be avoided in the long run. For a simple fix you might find what needs to be done to fix the problem. However, some issues might need to be examined by a professional. Our team of professionals are able to troubleshoot what issues you are facing with your AC unit. We aim to offer an excellent repair service and will keep you informed of the facts.  

Daikin Air Conditioning Installation

For the installation of your Daikin air conditioner, trust Lets Heat. Our team of engineers is extensively trained and experienced, ensuring a professional installation process. Opting for professional installation minimizes the risk of damaging your new system or encountering accidents. If you’re considering a Daikin Air Conditioning system, request a quote today from Let’s Heat, and we’ll promptly assist you.

Daikin Wall Mounted Air Conditioners Range 

Daikin offers a variety of products to best suit your home. Each model has its own perks and benefits. Let’s take a loot at the wide range of Daikin wall mounted AC units: 

  1. Alira X Daikin Air Conditioner 

The Alira X model makes use of the Daikin Streamer Technology. This technology can reduce the presence of contaminants in your home. These might include: bacteria, pollen and mould. 

This model is best known for improving the quality of the indoor air. It also has the ability to cool or heat small, medium and large homes and maintain room ambience. 

  1. Zena Daikin Air Conditioner 

In addition to being engineered with modern technology, this model is unique for its style and elegant design. It can integrate seamlessly into your home. What is more, this unit is available in various colours: White Hair Line or Black Wood finish. 

This model is best suitable for modern contemporary rooms. It has the ability to cool or heat a small area of your home and maintain room ambience. 

  1. Cora Daikin Air Conditioner 

The Cora model features a whisper quiet operation and has the ability to improve energy efficiency and reliability as well. 

This unit is best suitable for cooling or heating small to large rooms. It can also be useful for homeowners who are conscious of energy usage. And without a doubt, it can also maintain room ambience. 

  1. XL Series Daikin Air Conditioner 

The XL offers powerful air flow. This model has a range of units that are designed for large open plan living. There are two ranges available: the XL and the XL Premium which is more energy efficient.  

  1. Lite Systems Daikin Air Conditioner 

This model has been designed with the latest cutting-edge technology. Both the Lite and Multi Lite systems have a compact and modern design. They are also known for their quiet operation. 

These units can both cool and heat small to large rooms. They are also suitable for those looking for economical air conditioning units.  

What are the advantages of Split Air Conditioners?  

  • Cost-effective 

A split system unit is cost-effective to install. It is designed to cool different sizes of buildings such as a small industrial unit or a big hotel and a shopping centre. Without a doubt, the cost of this system will be determined by how many cassettes you are going with and the capacity of your condensers. We can provide you with a tailored quote. 

  • An easy installation process 

Unlike traditional systems, split systems need much less work to install. There will be no need for ductwork when it comes to installing split systems. However, an opening of about 3 inches in diameter is required for the connector between your indoor and outdoor units. All that is needed then is an access to electricity and a location for mounting your unit. Different lengths for refrigerant tubes are offered by Manufacturers. Your indoor and outdoor units can be up to 100 feet apart. 

  • Quiet Operations 

This type of indoor ductless unit operates as quietly as 19 decibels. This is much quieter than a window unit. What is more, the ductless condenser is slimmer and can make it easy for positioning in different locations if noise might be a problem or where there is not much space.  

  • More Energy Efficient 

A lot of energy is lost through ductwork. With leaky ducts you can have a loss of up to 30 percent in the cooling energy. Energy efficiency problems can occur when you have uninsulated ductwork or ductwork that has been installed in unconditioned spaces. Due to their ductless design, split systems can increase your energy savings and reduce money spent on future utility bills. In fact, ductless air conditioners, in some cases, can reach double the efficiency of a standard air conditioner. 

  • More Security 

When it comes to security, then a split system is more secure than a window unit, which can enable intruders a way to break into your home. There will not be any security threats from the small hole in your conduit as it does not represent much threat to the safety of your home. A large opening in your wall or window, however, can make you a target for intruders. 

  • Zoning  

Split systems have the ability to cool different places of your home through splitting the space into zones. To put it simply, each zone will have its own thermostat. When you have separate thermostats, you will be able to control each area separately. As a result, you will use less energy while saving money at the same time.  

Ductless air conditioners can be perfect for renovations where ducting is not possible. It can also be useful in older homes with poor distribution or electrically-heated houses and homes with hydronic heating. 

  • They Go Well with Your Décor 

Indoor installation is very flexible with a split air conditioner. They can be either suspended from the ceiling or hung on walls. Moreover, Jackets can be used to make them look more elegant and sophisticated. What is more, unlike window units which require you to make a hole in your wall or fill your window space, split systems are less obtrusive. 

Why Choose Let’s Heat?


Our focus is on delivering simplicity and quality in our work. Utilizing the latest and most efficient management systems, we schedule jobs, confirm appointments, send reminders, issue certificates, and manage billing seamlessly. With next-day installations and emergency services available, we pride ourselves on our prompt response to your needs, ensuring we’re at your doorstep without delay.

Customer Care:

Building strong relationships with our customers is paramount. We take the time to fully understand your heating requirements and strive to minimize disruption to your home, ensuring minimal noise disturbance.

Experienced Team:

Our extensive experience in the heating industry has enabled us to expand our services nationwide. We are deeply committed to our craft. Our engineers are not only skilled but also friendly and informative, possessing a wealth of knowledge in their field. Our comprehensive services encompass boiler installation, maintenance, repair, and service plans. We handle all types of boilers, including heat only boilers, system boilers, and combi boilers, as well as installing heat pumps and central heating systems. Additionally, we offer plumbing services and more to cater to all your needs.

Is a split air conditioner worth the money? 

Mini-split systems are an excellent investment for both domestic and commercial structures as well. They allow spot heating and cooling that works independently of a central system, which allows efficient and economical control for only those occupied areas in your home or business. 

Any more questions?

If you have any further questions about Combi boilers, other Boilers, or anything else, please see our FAQ Page because you might find the answers there or on our News Blog.

Check out our Gas Safe Registration or want to see our near 5 star Trustpilot rating please click the relevant link!


How long does a Daikin AC last? 

Daikin units are designed for a usual lifespan of 15 years with the actual average of 20+ years. 

Can Daikin AC save electricity?

Daikin’s high-wall split AC models are all highly energy-efficient. This is due to the fact that an inverter AC adjusts the speed of the compressor in order to control the refrigerant flow rate and as a result, consuming less current and power. This makes the R-32 furthermore energy-efficient. 

What happens if your AC unit is too large? 

Air conditioners that are too large can consume more energy, endure more wear and tear, and wouldn’t work as well or as long as a well sized unit. This can result in higher utility bills, more repairs, and discomfort.


07 Aug, 2023

Daikin Air Conditioners Review

Daikin are well known for their premium quality products and innovative cooling technology. They are one of the leaders in the...

“When purchasing a new boiler, manufacturers typically offer a warranty to cover repair costs during a specified period. However, there are instances where warranties may not be honored, often due to errors made by consumers.

It’s crucial to understand and adhere to the terms and conditions outlined in the warranty agreement. Failure to do so can result in unexpected repair expenses. Additionally, some common mistakes can lead to warranty invalidation, potentially leaving you liable for costly repairs.

To avoid this, it’s essential to thoroughly review the warranty terms, follow recommended maintenance procedures, and refrain from making unauthorized modifications to the boiler. By understanding and abiding by the warranty requirements, you can ensure that your boiler remains covered and avoid unnecessary expenses in the future.”

What is a boiler warranty? 

Simply put, a boiler warranty guarantees that your boiler will be repaired within a specified timeframe following its installation. Warranties vary in duration, with most manufacturers offering a standard 2-year warranty. Additionally, you have the option to extend the warranty for an extra fee.

Manufacturers often have their own installation schemes, which serve as accreditation for heating engineers who install their boilers to a high standard. Choosing an accredited gas engineer for your boiler installation may qualify you for an extended warranty from the manufacturer.

Central Heating Services In Rhoose

Is there a difference between a warranty and a guarantee? 

A boiler guarantee is essentially identical to a boiler warranty. Every new boiler comes with a guarantee as standard, which can vary in duration and be extended for an additional fee.

However, there is a distinction between a guarantee and a warranty. A manufacturer’s guarantee assures that your boiler will be repaired for a specified period after installation, regardless of the cause.

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Types Of Reliable Boiler Systems

types of Gas Boilers

What to look for in a boiler warranty?  

While this is a hotly-debated topic, finding the right boiler warranty is as important as finding the right boiler. This is why it’s important to compare features before committing to a new boiler. Factors to consider should be: 

Finding the right boiler warranty might be equally important to finding the right boiler. There are some things which you might need to put into consideration:  

  • Whether parts and labour are included  
  • The length of the warranty  
  • Is it possible to extend the boiler warranty  
  • Which parts are covered by the warranty  

Read more:

New Boiler Buying Tips

What can invalidate a boiler warranty? 

Unauthorized Modifications: Making alterations or modifications to the boiler without manufacturer approval can void the warranty.

Improper Installation: Failing to install the boiler according to manufacturer specifications or by a qualified professional can invalidate the warranty.

Neglecting Maintenance: Not adhering to recommended maintenance schedules or neglecting routine servicing may void the warranty.

Using Non-Approved Parts: Using non-approved or unauthorized parts for repairs or replacements can invalidate the warranty.

Failure to Register: Not registering the boiler warranty with the manufacturer after installation may result in the warranty being voided.

Negligence: Negligent operation or misuse of the boiler, such as overloading it beyond its capacity or using it for unintended purposes, can invalidate the warranty.

Environmental Factors: Damage caused by environmental factors such as floods, fires, or other natural disasters may not be covered by the warranty if not specified in the terms and conditions.

Read our full Best combi boilers & boiler brands guide

The Best Brands of System Boilers & Pricing

What does boiler service involve? 

  • Checking for leaks and corrosion 
  • Carrying a visual inspection  
  • Checking oil or gas pressure  
  • Make sure that boiler seals are in a good condition  
  • Ensure that the burning rate of the gas or oil is safe 
  • Combustion analysis  
  • Issuesing a service certificate Detailing what work has taken place 

Myths about boiler warranty  

There are numerous myths and misconceptions surrounding boilers and boiler warranties.

One prevalent myth is the belief that a boiler is automatically covered under your home insurance, rendering boiler insurance unnecessary. However, this is far from accurate.

While some home insurance policies may include boiler coverage as part of the package, it is not typical. It’s advisable to thoroughly review your home insurance policy to understand what coverage is provided and what is not included.

Read about:

Electric Boilers V Gas Boilers

Best Brands of System Boilers & Pricing

Top UK Heat Only Boilers

How to claim my boiler warranty? 

It is not likely that you would need some extra TLC during your warranty period. However, it is best to call the boiler manufacturer directly.  

What do I do when my boiler breaks down? 

There are a few things to do when your boiler breaks down. These can include checking the following: 

  • The electricity supply 
  • the  gas (or oil) supply 
  • The water supply 
  • The boiler pressure 
  • The thermostat and programmer 
  • The pilot light 
  • Checking for frozen pipes 
  • Checking for boiler fault codes 

What are some common boiler problems? 

The most common boiler problems can include: 

  • Pilot light keeps going out 
  • Boiler is making noises  
  • No heating or hot water 
  • Low boiler pressure 
  • Radiators are cold 
  • Boiler is kettling 
  • Boiler is leaking 

What can cause a boiler to fail or to break down? 

Neglecting regular maintenance or failing to schedule maintenance at all can lead to boiler breakdowns. In fact, inadequate or absent maintenance ranks among the primary reasons for boiler failure.

Does my boiler warranty cover my smart thermostat? 

Smart thermostats are increasingly popular for their ability to help you save money on heating bills.

The Bosch smart thermostat will be covered under warranty as long as it’s installed and registered at the same time as the boiler.

Bathroom Installation In Penarth

Why Choose LetsHeat?

Punctuality: We prioritize simplicity and quality, utilizing cutting-edge management systems to schedule and confirm appointments, send reminders, issue certificates, and generate bills. Offering next-day installations and emergency services, we respond promptly to your calls and ensure swift arrival at your doorstep.

Customer Care: Building strong relationships with our customers is paramount. We take the time to understand your heating needs and strive to minimize disruption to your home, keeping noise levels to a minimum.

Experienced Team: With extensive experience in the heating industry, we have expanded our services nationwide. Our dedicated engineers are committed to excellence, providing helpful and informative service. Highly skilled and

knowledgeable, they specialize in boiler installation, maintenance, repair, and service plans. We work with all boiler types, including heat-only boilers, system boilers, and combi boilers. Additionally, we install heat pumps and central heating systems, offer plumbing services, and more.

Read about:

New Boiler Cost

Best Condensing Boilers

Any more questions?


What is the typical warranty for a boiler? 

All boiler brands usually offer a standard warranty ranging between 1 to 5 years, but nowadays, it is more common for manufacturers to offer a free extended warranty that can range from 2 to 10 years. 

What is the biggest cause for boiler breakdown? 

Running out of heating oil is one of the top reasons for a boiler breakdown. Checking your oil should always be the first thing to put in mind before assuming there is another fault. This problem can be a simple fix. All you need to do is order your oil, get an emergency delivery to your home and top-up your tank.

How do I check my boiler warranty?

Contact the manufacturer or check the warranty documentation provided with your boiler for details on how to verify the warranty status.

27 Jul, 2023

How to avoid invalidating your boiler warranty 

What is a boiler warranty? What to look for in a boiler warranty?  What can invalidate a boiler warranty? What does boiler...

Combi boilers have become increasingly popular among UK homeowners in recent years, especially for those living in average-sized homes. While combi boilers offer convenience and space-saving benefits, they can encounter issues from time to time. In this blog, we’ll delve into the components of combi boilers and explore potential breakdowns. We’ll also address common problems associated with combi boilers. But first, let’s understand what a combi boiler is.

What is a combi boiler? 

The term “Combi” is short for combination boiler, a type of boiler that serves dual purposes by providing both hot water and heating from a single unit. This modern system offers several advantages over older immersion heater systems, which relied on water tanks positioned high up. With older systems, hot water wasn’t always readily available on-demand, requiring advance planning to heat water. Additionally, operating older systems incurred high costs and expenses. Furthermore, older systems typically occupy more space due to their larger size.

How do Combi Boilers work? 

In a combi boiler system, cold water is supplied directly from the main water source and heated by burning gas fuel. The heat generated in the combustion chamber is transferred to the water through a heat exchanger.

When the thermostat detects a drop in temperature inside your home, it sends a signal to the combi boiler to ignite and start heating. Once the desired temperature is reached, the boiler modulates its heat output to maintain a consistent temperature, reducing energy waste while keeping your home warm.

Combi boilers deliver hot water to any outlet you’re using, whether it’s a hot tap, shower, or bath. When the tap is turned off, the boiler switches back to providing central heating. It’s important to note that a combi boiler cannot supply hot water to multiple outlets simultaneously; it prioritizes either hot water or central heating depending on demand.

Read more about:

types of Gas Boilers 

Best combi boilers & boiler brands

Is a Combi Boiler the perfect choice for your home? 

Combi boilers draw water directly from your home’s mains water supply, relying on the pressure from the mains to provide adequate water flow. If the mains pressure is insufficient, a combi boiler may not be suitable for your home.

Combi boilers have two outputs: one for hot water and the other for home heating. Providing hot water for central heating requires less effort than delivering on-demand hot water. It’s essential to select a boiler that meets your hot water demands accordingly.

Furthermore, if you reside in a large home with multiple bathrooms, a system boiler is more suitable for your needs.

The Best Brands of System Boilers & Pricing

Does a combi boiler use a lot of electricity? 

Although electric combi boilers are more expensive to run than gas boilers, they’re much more efficient. While most gas boilers have an efficiency rating of around 93%, electric combi boilers typically have a 99%–100% efficiency rating. 

Read more:

New Boiler Cost

Top UK Combi Boilers

Best Boiler Replacement Cost

Combi boilers parts and breakdowns:

1- Air Pressure Switches 

The safety of a combi boiler is ensured by its air pressure switch. This critical component ensures that the fan effectively removes waste gases through the flue before the boiler ignites.

A fan is employed to create the necessary draft to expel harmful gases from the boiler through the flue.

Before initiating the boiler’s firing process, the air pressure switch verifies that the fan is functioning correctly. It only sends a signal to ignite the boiler when the fan is confirmed to be operational.

There are two potential signals from the air pressure switch: one confirming the fan’s proper operation and signaling the boiler’s safety for ignition, and another indicating that the fan is malfunctioning, rendering the boiler unsafe for ignition.

Why does a boiler air pressure switch fail? 

It’s hard to exactly pinpoint why a boiler air pressure switch would fail. There are many reasons. These might include: 

  • A faulty boiler fan 
  • Blocked flue is blocked 
  • A broken PCB 

How do I know if I have a faulty air pressure switch? 

There are some signs to indicate a faulty air pressure switch: 

  • Your boiler will keep turning on and off at random times 
  • The fan is working but your boiler is not 
  • Your boiler is displaying fault codes which are related to faulty air pressure switch 

Is trapped air a problem? 

When air becomes trapped in the heat exchanger, it can impede the transfer of energy, limiting the system’s efficiency.

Ensuring that water makes full contact with all surfaces within the hydraulic or chilled water system is crucial. Any air must be expelled from the system to optimize its performance.

Air can become trapped in various components and locations within your heating system. Therefore, having a mechanism to effectively remove air from the system is vital. This is why an automatic air vent plays a significant role in maintaining the efficiency of your system.

2- Auto Air-Vents (AAVs) 

Loud noises emanating from your boiler may indicate trapped air within a sealed heating system. This can lead to uneven heating in your home and, in severe cases, result in a boiler breakdown. To prevent such issues, regular maintenance of your boiler’s air vent is highly recommended. This ensures uninterrupted heat supply when needed.

Typically installed within cylinder cupboards, the air vent automatically releases trapped air from your heating system.

Trapped air in your boiler can cause pump cavitation or overheating within the heat exchanger, potentially leading to performance issues or system damage.

Why does a boiler Auto Air-Vent fail? 

During operation at high pressure, excess pressure within your boiler system is directed to the auto-air vent. These vents are designed to alleviate pressure levels that exceed the boiler’s capacity. However, there are instances when these valves may become stuck. When this occurs, they may not only release trapped air but also water.

How do I know if I have a faulty auto-air vent? 

  • Water leaking from your boiler 
  • A fault code is being displayed by your boiler .

3- Boiler Expansion Vessel

Inside a combi boiler, there is an expansion vessel whose purpose is to maintain consistent pressure and prevent abrupt fluctuations in your boiler’s pressure.

Insufficient air in the expansion vessel can lead to excessive pressure, causing water to be expelled from the pressure relief valve. Conversely, an excess of air can lead to over-pressurization of the system, also causing water to be discharged from the pressure relief valve.

How do I know if I have a faulty boiler Expansion Vessel? 

  • Poor flow rate from your taps 
  • PRV is dripping 
  • A low-pressure fault code will be displayed  
  • Your boiler will not be able to meet your hot water demand 

4- Boiler Fan 

The primary function of a boiler fan is to expel toxic gases from your home.

When fuel burns in the boiler’s combustion chamber, it releases harmful gases. The flue pipe is responsible for directing these toxic gases away from your home to ensure safety.

While the flue pipe provides an escape route for these gases, the fan plays a crucial role in pushing them further away, preventing their accumulation or slow movement within the flue pipe.

What can cause a boiler fan to fail? 

  • The connections and wiring might come loose due to the vibration of the fan. As a result, the signals going to the boiler’s PCB could be blocked 
  • Fan losing speed over time. A heating engineer could easily fix this problem 
  • Signal issues can also be caused by damaged connection or wiring. 
  • A complete failure of the fan due to wear and tear. The fan should be replaced 

How do I know if I have a faulty boiler fan? 

  • Boiler is making noises 
  • Boiler is not turning on 
  • A boiler displaying a faulty code 

5- Boiler Gas Valve 

A boiler gas valve is responsible for the gas flow to the pilot light and burner as well. An electrical signal from the printed circuit board (PCB) controls this valve. 

Read about:

The right Combi Boilers size for you.

Best Condensing Boilers

What problems are common with Boiler Gas Valve? 

  • The gas valve can fail to get the signal to work due to connection or wiring problems coming from the PCB to the gas valve.  
  • Your boiler gas valve can get stuck  
  • Faulty boiler gas valve 

You can tell that your have a a faulty Gas Valve if your boiler is displaying a fault code or if your boiler is not turning on.  

6- Boiler Printed Circuit Board (PCB) 

A Printed Circuit Board (PCB) is an essential  part of your boiler.  

To put it simply, the PCB is the backbone of your boiler. It connects the electrical components (pump, timer, thermostat etc) together. 

If your PCB isn’t working as it should, it can lose power, lockout and display and error code or completely shut down.  

PCB problems 

A gas engineer will inspect your Printed Circuit Board (PCB) to identify any issues. If possible, they will repair it; otherwise, it may need to be replaced. The cost of replacing a PCB can be as high as £500. Therefore, it’s essential to consider whether it’s more cost-effective to replace the PCB or invest in a new boiler.

Read more about: All You Need to know About Electric Boilers

How do I know if I have a faulty PCB? 

  • Your boiler is leaking 
  • Boiler has no power 
  • Burning smell coming from your boiler  
  • Intermittent display panel operation  

7- Circulating Pumps 

Circulation pumps, also referred to as central heating pumps, play a vital role in heating systems. They are responsible for circulating hot water throughout the system.

These pumps ensure a continuous flow of heated water from the boiler to the radiators. The heated water travels through pipes to reach various components such as radiators, hot water cylinders, and towel rails. Subsequently, the water returns to the boiler to maintain a consistent flow of warmth throughout your home.

Read about:

Ideal Boilers in Cardiff

Find the Best Boiler for your home 

Combi Boiler Reviews

What are the signs of a faulty Circulating Pump? 

  • The pipe is leaking 
  • The water flow pipe is not hot despite the fact that the pump is running 
  • The pump casing is too hot 
  • You have no hot water 
  • You radiators aren’t heating  
  • Strange noises are coming out of your pipe 

8- Diverter Valve 

A boiler diverter valve plays a crucial role in determining the destination of hot water in your home. Over time, it may develop faults, leading to issues with hot water distribution to either radiators or taps.

Functioning by opening or closing, the diverter valve directs hot water to either radiators or taps/showers as needed. It’s primarily utilized in systems where water is heated on demand, such as combi boilers. System boilers or conventional boilers, which store hot water in a cylinder, do not require this valve.

When a tap is opened, the combi boiler heats water and the valve redirects the hot water to that specific tap. Similarly, when heating is activated, hot water is sent to the radiators. If both the shower and heating are in use simultaneously, the valve prioritizes the shower.

What are the signs of a faulty Diverter Valve? 

  • Only lukewarm water is coming out of your taps 
  • You have hot showers but your radiators are cold 
  • You have hot water only when your central heating is turned on.

9- Heat Exchanger 

A heat exchanger facilitates the transfer of heat between two fluids or substances, typically gas and water, without allowing them to mix. When you activate the heating in your home with a combi boiler, water is sourced from the mains and circulated through your radiators.

During operation, the combi gas boiler burns gas, generating heated gas that rises toward the heat exchanger. Simultaneously, cold water from the mains passes through the heat exchanger. As the water circulates, heat is transferred from the gas to the water, causing it to heat up for use in your tank or to warm your radiators.

In summary, the process involves hot gas and cold water supplied from the mains. Through the heat exchanger, the result is cooler gas and hotter water, with the two fluids remaining separate throughout the exchange.

Read about:

New Boiler Buying Tips

What are the causes of heat exchanger failure? 

  • Sludge in your central heating 
  • A build-up of limescale  

What are the signs of a faulty Heat Exchanger? 

  • Your boiler is leaking 
  • Whistling and kettling noises coming out of your boiler 

Read more about:

Condensing VS Non-Condensing Boilers

best boilers in uk

Step by step guide to boiler installation


What is the average lifespan of a combi boiler? 

Modern combi boilers should last up to 15 years with their high efficiency and fewer pressure issues when compared to a conventional boiler. Without a doubt, this all depends on the quality of your chosen model and how well you look after your heating system. 

Does a combi boiler need to be serviced every year? 

Whether you have an oil boiler, gas boiler, or combi boiler, boilers need to be serviced annually by a qualified heating engineer.

What is included in a combi boiler service?

Pipework and seals will be examined for leaks. What is more, the heating engineer will check the pressure and inspect the boiler flue to ensure safety. Other things to be inspected include the burner and the heat exchanger as they might need cleaning.

27 Jul, 2023

Combi boilers common faults  

What is a combi boiler? How do Combi Boilers work? Combi boilers parts and breakdowns:1- Air Pressure Switches Is trapped air...

If your boiler is causing issues and the repair costs are high, it might be time to think about replacing it. Upgrading to a new boiler can improve efficiency and reduce heating expenses.

But before making a quick purchase online, there are important considerations to keep in mind.

Why buy a new boiler?

There are several reasons why you might consider buying a new boiler:

Efficiency: Newer boilers are often more energy-efficient than older models, which can lead to lower energy bills and reduced carbon emissions.

Reliability: Older boilers are more prone to breakdowns and costly repairs. Investing in a new boiler can provide peace of mind with improved reliability and fewer maintenance issues.

Safety: New boilers are designed with modern safety features, reducing the risk of accidents such as gas leaks or carbon monoxide emissions.

Improved Performance: A new boiler can provide better heating performance and more consistent temperature control throughout your home.

Warranty: Most new boilers come with a manufacturer’s warranty, providing coverage for parts and labor in case of any issues during the warranty period.

Environmental Benefits: Upgrading to a new boiler can contribute to reducing your carbon footprint by using energy more efficiently and emitting fewer pollutants.

Overall, investing in a new boiler can lead to long-term cost savings, improved comfort, and peace of mind for your home heating needs.

How to choose a boiler?

Choosing the right boiler for your home involves several important considerations:

Fuel Type: Decide whether you want a gas, oil, electric, or renewable energy-powered boiler based on availability, cost, and environmental preferences.

Boiler Type: Consider the different types of boilers available, such as combi boilers, system boilers, and conventional boilers, based on your heating and hot water needs.

Size and Output: Calculate the heating and hot water demands of your home to determine the appropriate boiler size and output capacity.

Efficiency Rating: Look for boilers with high-efficiency ratings (usually indicated by the ErP rating) to minimize energy consumption and reduce utility bills.

Brand and Quality: Research reputable boiler brands known for reliability, performance, and after-sales support to ensure a long-lasting and dependable unit.

Installation Requirements: Consider any specific installation requirements, such as space limitations, flue placement, and ventilation needs, to ensure compatibility with your home.

Cost and Budget: Compare the upfront costs, installation expenses, and potential long-term savings to find a boiler that fits within your budget and offers the best value for money.

Warranty and Service: Check the warranty period and availability of service and maintenance support to protect your investment and ensure continued performance.

Central Heating Services In Penarth

Should I worry about the gas boiler ban? 

You might wonder if it’s wise to invest in a gas boiler given the impending gas boiler ban. However, it’s important to note that the ban, set for 2025, primarily targets new build homes and doesn’t affect existing ones. So, if you’re considering replacing your boiler with a gas model, there’s no need to worry.

Of course, if you can afford alternative options like heat pumps, they’re worth considering. Yet, for now, gas boilers remain a cost-effective solution for heating your home and providing hot water.

What brand to choose?  

Choosing the right boiler brand is crucial for reliability, performance, and long-term satisfaction. Here are some reputable boiler brands to consider:

Worcester Bosch: Known for their high-quality and energy-efficient boilers, Worcester Bosch offers a wide range of products suitable for various home heating needs.

Vaillant: Vaillant boilers are recognized for their durability, innovation, and advanced technology, making them a popular choice among homeowners and heating engineers.

Baxi: Baxi boilers are known for their reliability, affordability, and ease of installation, making them a trusted brand in the heating industry.

Ideal: Ideal boilers are known for their value for money, energy efficiency, and range of options to suit different budgets and requirements.

Viessmann: Viessmann boilers are praised for their German engineering, high efficiency, and low emissions, providing reliable heating solutions for residential properties.

Glow-worm: Glow-worm boilers offer affordable and reliable heating solutions, with a focus on simplicity, efficiency, and user-friendly features.

Alpha Heating Innovation: Alpha boilers are known for their innovation, energy efficiency, and reliability, offering a range of products to suit different heating needs and budgets.

When choosing a boiler brand, consider factors such as product quality, warranty coverage, after-sales support, and reputation in the industry. Consulting with a qualified heating engineer can also provide valuable insights and recommendations tailored to your specific requirements and budget.

Read more:

Types Of Reliable Boiler Systems

New Boiler prices

What is the right kW output for my home? 

The kW output of a boiler indicates its capacity to provide hot water and heat to a home. It’s directly related to the size of the property: larger homes require a higher kW output for sufficient heating and hot water.

At Let’s Heat, we specialize in determining the optimal kW output for your home. This involves assessing factors such as the number of rooms and showers in your property.

It’s also important to consider any future home extensions. If you’re planning to expand your property, opting for a boiler with a larger kW output can ensure it continues to meet your heating needs.

Is it worth buying a new boiler? 

New boilers are far more energy-efficient than older ones, so replacing your boiler with a newer model can help you save money on your heating bills. It can also help you reduce the carbon emissions of your home. 

What is the average life of a boiler? 

If you have recently bought a new boiler or maybe you are considering when it’s time to get a replacement, you will most likely be wondering how long a boiler can last. For an average household, boilers will last up to 10-15 years. Though it’s important to understand this timespan is conditional to different factors.  

What questions should I ask when getting a new boiler? 

You can start by asking about the warranty with the new boiler and whether there are any guarantees on the entire installation e.g. pipework and other plumbing that might be necessary. You should also try to find out whether any warranties include parts and labour.  

What are some of the essential qualities of a good boiler? 

 A good boiler should have a high rate of heat transfer and better combustion efficiency. Its initial cost, running and maintenance cost should also be low. The boiler should have safety apparatus and reliable controls. And finally, the mud and other deposits should not collect on the heating plates. 

Do boilers become less efficient with age? 

Without a doubt, boilers can become more inefficient the older they get, especially if they aren’t well maintained or serviced regularly on an annual basis. Older boilers, because of their inefficiency, will result in higher home heating bills compared to a newer boiler replacement. 

Read more about: Common Boiler Issues and How to Fix Them

Combi Boiler Reviews

What is meant by a Condensing Boiler? 

The terms “condensing” and “non-condensing” can be confusing for those shopping for a new boiler. It’s important to understand that “condensing” refers to a technical feature rather than a specific type of boiler.

Condensing boilers feature a larger heat exchanger compared to non-condensing ones. They harness additional heat from the fuel that would otherwise be wasted in non-condensing boilers. This makes them more efficient.

Non-condensing boilers lose a significant amount of heat in the combustion exhaust gases, leading to lower efficiency, typically by around 50%. In contrast, condensing boilers capture and utilize this heat to warm water, making them much more energy-efficient, often achieving efficiency rates of up to 90%.

Aside from being highly efficient, condensing boilers are also environmentally friendly and can help reduce heating bills by making the most of excess energy.

Read more:

 types of Gas Boilers

Affordable Boiler Prices

What kind of boiler you currently have :

Combi Boilers: Combi boilers are the most common type in the UK. They’re affordable, easy to install, and don’t require a separate water storage tank. Combi boilers heat water directly from the mains, providing hot water on demand.

Heat-Only Boilers: Also known as regular, traditional, or conventional boilers, heat-only boilers are less common now. They require both a hot and cold water storage tank, which can take up space. Many people opt to replace them with combi boilers for more space efficiency.

System Boilers: System boilers are ideal for homes with high hot water demand. They have a separate hot water storage tank and can supply hot water to multiple bathrooms simultaneously. The drawback is the need for a storage tank, but they provide consistent hot water flow.

Back Boilers: Back boilers, located behind gas fires, can last up to 25 years but are highly inefficient and can lead to high heating bills. Removing a back boiler is challenging and time-consuming, often taking up to 2 days. Replacing them with more efficient options can save money in the long run.

Understanding the type of boiler you have can guide you in making the right choice for replacements or upgrades, ensuring efficiency and cost savings in the long term.

Best combi boilers & boiler brands

Read about:

Best Boiler Replacement Cost


How can a new boiler save me money? 

A new boiler can save you money in several ways:

Improved Efficiency: New boilers are typically more energy-efficient than older models, meaning they use less fuel to heat your home and water. This can result in lower energy bills over time.

Reduced Repair Costs: Older boilers are more prone to breakdowns and require more frequent repairs, which can be expensive. Investing in a new boiler reduces the likelihood of costly repairs, saving you money in maintenance expenses.

Lower Energy Consumption: Modern boilers are designed to operate more efficiently, wasting less energy in the heating process. By using less fuel to achieve the same level of warmth, a new boiler can significantly reduce your overall energy consumption and associated costs.

Warranty Coverage: Many new boilers come with manufacturer warranties that cover parts and labor for a certain period. This means you won’t have to pay out of pocket for repairs or replacements within the warranty period, providing additional savings and peace of mind.

Government Incentives: In some regions, there may be government incentives or rebates available for upgrading to a more energy-efficient boiler. Taking advantage of these programs can further reduce the upfront cost of purchasing a new boiler and lead to long-term savings on energy bills.

Overall, investing in a new boiler can lead to significant cost savings over time through improved efficiency, reduced repair expenses, and potential incentives or rebates.

Why letsheat for your boiler replacement  

We’re Punctual  

We always aim for simplicity and quality of work. Using the latest and the beat management system to schedule jobs and confirm appointments, send reminders and issue certificates and send bills. We offer next-day installations and emergency services as well. We’re very quick to respond to your call and will be at your doorstep in no time. 

We Care 

Establishing a good relationship with our customers is our priority. We always take the time to understand what your heating requirements are. We do our best so as not to create any sort of disruption to your home or make so much noise.  

Experienced Staff  

Our experience in the heating business has paved the way for us to expand further and provide our services nationwide. We’re very committed to our work. Our engineers are helpful and informative. They are highly skilled and have a wide knowledge of their trade. Our services include: boiler installation, maintenance, repair and boiler service plan. We work with all types of boilers: heat only boilers, system boilers and combi boilers. We install heat pumps and central heating systems. And we also provide plumbing services and much more.

Read more:

Best Heat Only Boilers

New Boiler Quote


Is it worth buying a new boiler? 

New boilers are far more energy-efficient than older ones, so replacing your boiler with a newer model can help you save money on your heating bills. It can also help you reduce the carbon emissions of your home. 

What is the average life of a boiler? 

If you have recently bought a new boiler or maybe you are considering when it’s time to get a replacement, you will most likely be wondering how long a boiler can last. For an average household, boilers will last up to 10-15 years. Though it’s important to understand this timespan is conditional to different factors. 

What questions should I ask when getting a new boiler? 

You can start by asking about the warranty with the new boiler and whether there are any guarantees on the entire installation e.g. pipework and other plumbing that might be necessary. You should also try to find out whether any warranties include parts and labour. 

27 Jul, 2023

Things to know before buying a new boiler 

Why buy a new boiler?How to choose a boiler?Should I worry about the gas boiler ban? What brand to choose?  What is the right...

“Many inquiries come to us regarding the timeline for boiler installations. While we can’t give exact estimates due to several factors, we can provide a rough timeframe. The installation duration can vary depending on additional tasks like integrating a smart thermostat, performing a chemical flush, or setting up a system filter. These elements might extend the overall installation process.”

How Long Does it Take to Fit a New Boiler?

The timeframe for fitting a new boiler varies depending on several factors, including the type of boiler, the complexity of the installation, and any additional necessary work. Typically, a straightforward replacement can take anywhere from one day to a few days. Here are the main factors that influence the timeline:

Boiler Type: Different types of boilers, such as combi, system, or conventional, can affect the installation time. Generally, combi boilers tend to install faster than others.

Location: The location of the installation site in relation to existing pipework and the gas supply can impact the time needed. If there’s a need for relocating or extensive adjustments to the pipework, it can prolong the installation process.

Additional Work: Tasks like upgrading pipework, installing radiators, or making modifications to the system can extend the duration of the installation.

System Flush: If a central heating system flush is required, it will add time to the installation process.

Accessibility: The ease of access to the installation site also plays a role. Difficult-to-reach areas will require more time and effort.

Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with safety standards and regulations adds to the overall installation time, as installers must take the necessary steps to meet these requirements.

    How long does it take to replace a combi boiler? 

    Replacing your old combi boiler with a new one is generally a simple task. If your existing combi boiler is causing frequent problems because of its age, it may be time for a replacement. Usually, swapping a combi boiler for a new one takes approximately 4 to 6 hours to complete.

    Read about: Combi boilers common faults  

    Best combi boilers & boiler brands

    How long does it take to replace a system/ standard boiler with a combi boiler? 

    “Replacing a system or conventional boiler with a combi boiler typically requires about 2 days. This type of conversion involves additional complexities. Transitioning to a combi boiler entails removing the water tank associated with a system boiler or both the hot water storage tank and water feed tank for a conventional boiler, usually situated in the attic. Rerouting pipework is also necessary. These tasks add complexity, time, and may cause some disruption to your home during installation. However, we aim to minimize disruption by efficiently removing additional pipework and tanks from your premises.

    Read about: Replacing a regular boiler with a combi boiler 

    Is it better to repair or replace a boiler? 

    “Frequently, repairing your boiler is the most economical and effective approach to restore your heating system. If you have a newer boiler that usually functions reliably, replacement is unlikely to be required. Nonetheless, if your boiler is getting older and the expense of repairs becomes unmanageable, replacing it might be the more viable option to contemplate.

    What are the advantages of switching to a combi boiler? 

    “Choosing a combi boiler comes with numerous benefits, particularly the extra space gained by eliminating water tanks. Furthermore, combi boilers are more efficient, which can potentially result in savings on heating costs.

    Another advantage of a combi boiler is the immediate availability of hot water. Unlike conventional boilers that may take time to heat water once the supply is depleted, combi boilers heat water instantly as required, ensuring an uninterrupted supply.

    How long does it take to replace a back boiler with a combi boiler? 

    Replacing a back boiler with a combi boiler typically requires 2-3 days, as back boilers are often the most challenging to replace. Due to their outdated and inefficient nature, replacing them is frequently necessary, especially considering the lack of available parts. With a lifespan of approximately 25 years, if your back boiler is nearing this age, it’s likely time to upgrade to a more efficient model that can help reduce energy bills.

    The removal process can be complex and costly due to the back boiler’s difficult location behind the gas fire. Sometimes, instead of complete removal, they are decommissioned to minimize disruption, given their delicate placement. However, investing in a replacement is worthwhile, providing you with a newer, more efficient boiler that can lead to long-term savings on heating costs.

    How long does it take to move my boiler to another location? 

    “If you choose to relocate your boiler to a different area, the installation duration can be extended, typically adding half a day to the process. However, the timeframe primarily depends on the size of your home. The greater the distance between the current and new locations, the longer the installation may take. Additionally, there may be additional labor costs associated with the relocation, including the moving and rerouting of pipes.

    How long does it take to install a smart thermostat? 

    “Smart thermostats allow for remote heating control via smartphone, providing energy and cost savings by efficiently regulating home heating. Installing a smart thermostat is typically straightforward and can usually be completed in about 1 hour.

    Read about: Oil Tank Replacement For Boiler

    Emergency Boiler Repair

    What are the steps of replacing a boiler? 

    • Removing the old boiler 
    • doing a power flush  
    • Upgrades or changes to pipework 
    • Fitting the new boiler 
    • Commissioning of the system 
    • Handover to the customer 
    • And finally registration 

     How long does it take to upgrade the gas supply pipe? 

    “According to Gas Safe regulations, your gas supply pipe must be 22mm thick. Older systems may have 15mm pipes. When installing a new boiler, upgrading your gas pipe is a legal obligation. This process typically requires approximately half a day.”

    How inefficient is a 20 year old boiler? 

    Non-condensing heat-only boilers which are older than 20 years might usually have 60% efficiency, with 40% of their energy being lost. This can happen because some heat is wasted in the form of hot gases released from the flue. 

    How long does power flushing or chemical flushing take? 

    “The purpose of power flushing is to remove sludge and buildup that can accumulate in your heating system over time. During this process, a machine is connected to your system to dislodge the sludge and other debris using high-pressure water flow and a system cleaning agent. Typically, power flushing takes between 2 to 4 hours.

    This procedure is generally recommended for older systems rather than new ones. Power flushing a new system may not be necessary and could be considered unnecessary expense, as older systems are more prone to sludge buildup in the pipes.”

    How inefficient is a 20 year old boiler? 

    Non-condensing heat-only boilers which are older than 20 years might usually have 60% efficiency, with 40% of their energy being lost. This can happen because some heat is wasted in the form of hot gases released from the flue. 

    What time of the year is it best to get a new boiler? 

    “Summer undoubtedly provides the optimal timing for installing a new boiler since heating demands are usually minimal. This is particularly relevant for replacement projects, which can be complex or time-intensive. However, boiler malfunctions are common during winter months. At Let’s Heat, we prioritize prompt completion of installations to minimize inconvenience.

    We strongly discourage delaying boiler replacement until it fails. Acting promptly can prevent substantial inconvenience. If your boiler experiences issues during summer, it’s advisable not to wait until winter to replace it.”

    Why Let’s Heat for your boiler replacement? 

    “Why Choose Let’s Heat for Your Boiler Replacement?

    1. Punctuality:
      • We prioritize simplicity and quality, employing cutting-edge management systems to schedule, confirm appointments, send reminders, issue certificates, and bills.
      • Offering next-day installations and emergency services, we respond promptly to your call and ensure swift arrival.
    2. Care:
      • Building strong customer relationships is our focus. We take the time to understand your heating needs, striving to minimize disruption and noise in your home.
    3. Experienced Staff:
      • With extensive experience in the heating industry, we’ve expanded our services nationwide.
      • Our dedicated engineers are knowledgeable, helpful, and skilled, offering services such as installation, maintenance, repair, and service plans for all boiler types, heat pumps, central heating systems, plumbing, and more.

    Read more about:

    Best Boiler Replacement Cost

    Outstanding Next Day Boiler Replacement

    best boilers in uk

    How often do boilers need to be replaced?

    The average boiler can last to around 15 years given that it is well maintained and serviced. Although a yearly service can improve the lifespan of your boiler, an older boiler still has to work harder to heat your home. 

    Is it better to repair or replace a boiler? 

    In many cases, repairing your boiler can be the most cost effective and efficient way of getting your heating back up and running. If you have a newer boiler that’s usually reliable then it’s unlikely that you will need to replace it. However, if your boiler is old and too costly to repair, then you might want to think of boiler replacement.  

    How inefficient is a 20 year old boiler? 

    Non-condensing heat-only boilers which are older than 20 years might usually have 60% efficiency, with 40% of their energy being lost. This can happen because some heat is wasted in the form of hot gases released from the flue. 

    27 Jul, 2023

    How long does it take to install a new boiler 

    How Long Does it Take to Fit a New Boiler?How long does it take to replace a combi boiler? How long does it take to replace a...

    Panasonic air conditioner (Wall-mounted TZ Super-compact Inverter · R32 Refrigerant 

    Panasonic Holdings Corporation is a major Japanese multinational conglomerate corporation, headquartered in Kadoma, Osaka. Panasonic offers a wide range of products and services. Among these are their top quality air conditioners. 

    What are the best features of Panasonic Wall-mounted TZ Super-compact Inverter? 

    The TZ offers a range of features and benefits. These include: 

    • Compact and elegant design with only 779mm wide 
    • Built-in WLAN for internet and voice control 
    • Infrared Sky Controller 
    • Cleaner air with PM2,5 filter 
    • Super Quiet! Only 20dB(A) 
    • High energy savings 
    • More comfort with Aerowings 
    • High energy savings 
    Panasonic air conditioner Review

    What is the difference between AC and Split AC unit?  

    The capacity of an AC unit, or its cooling ability, is mostly based on its tonnage. However, split ACs are mounted high and designed to cool larger spaces. On the hand, window ACs are better for air circulation in smaller rooms. What is more, it is possible to get split ACs of a high tonnage, of above 2 tons.  

    • New super-compact design 

    The new TZ air conditioner has a width of 779mm. This size allows for more installation possibilities, including the limiting space above a door. In short, you do not have to worry about finding space because it does not require much space to begin with. This can be useful for homes which are limited in space. 

    • Built-in WLAN and compatible with Voice Assistant 

    The TZ enables you to connect the unit to the internet to be controlled by smartphone with Panasonic Comfort Cloud App. You can easily control, monitor, schedule your cooling or heating with an easy interface. By connecting Panasonic Comfort Cloud, the unit can be managed by the Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa. 

    • PM2,5 

    Particulate matter (PM2,5) can be found suspended in the air. This can include dust, dirt, smoke and liquid droplets. The filter, equipped with the TZ, can catch PM2,5 particles including hazardous pollutants as well as house dust and pollen and it is able to keep the air of the room clean. 

    • Stylish infrared control 

    The TZ has an innovative design with the new stylish and sleek Backlit Sky Controller. It also has a bigger screen and is easier to use. 

    • Aerowings 

    In order to increase comfort level, TZ indoor units include Aerowings. There are two independent blades that will offer more control over the direction of the airflow. Without using Aerowings, you will have direct airflow that will aim at a certain target.  

    When the Aerowings twin blades are directed towards the ceiling, they create the Shower Cooling effect. This can ensure that cool air is evenly distributed throughout the room and you can stay comfortable without experiencing continuous direct cooling. 

    Panasonic Air Conditioners with Aerowings feature an indoor design with wider intake grille as well as super-high fan speed in order to create bigger air volume. 

    • Silent ambient and relaxing atmosphere 20dB(A) 

    Panasonic has succeeded in making one of the most silent air conditioners on the market. Panasonic Inverter air conditioner’s indoor operating noise has been reduced as the Inverter constantly varies its output power in order to enable more precise temperature control. 

    Read our full Air Conditioning Guide 

    Panasonic air conditioner Review

    Comfort Cloud Application. Convenient Centralised Control 

    With the TZ you can easily control and access all features of remote control anytime and anywhere. 

    • Smart Control  

    You will be in control of cooling comfort anytime, anywhere. 

    Connect & control operation: 20 units per location and up to 10 different locations. You can also transform multiple remote controls into one device 

    Manage multiple units at once: Turn on all AC units at the same time or by using group settings. You will also have the ability to set weekly timers for multiple units to cater to your daily routines. 

    • Smart Efficiency 

    The TZ unit offers more comfort with less wasted energy 

    Energy usage analysis 1): Monitor energy consumption based on different temperature settings with ease. 

    · Energy usage comparison (day/week/month/year): Compare energy usage history of AC units for better budget planning and to save money. 

    • Smart Comfort  

    Easily manage your comfort and air quality with the TZ air conditioner. 

    Adjust set temperature: The temperature can be set by monitoring real time indoor and outdoor temperatures 

    Pre-heat or cool: Control your house or office comfort before you arrive to ensure maximum comfort. 

    • Smart Assist 

    You can be informed of breakdowns. 

    Read more: Air conditioning installation Services

    Error codes notification and identification: To check error codes for effortless troubleshooting you can just launch the App. You will be able to help technicians to easily identify the issues 

    User’s control right: Multiple users can be registered. What is more, you can set administrator rights and assign users access. 

    • Voice Control 

    You can control your AC unit without boundaries and get hands-free help to fully access the features of your air conditioners. Maximising your cooling comfort is now a walk in the park with our Network-Enabled Air Conditioners with Panasonic’s Comfort Cloud and Voice Control. 

    Get multiple things done using voice command 

    Simplify your day with your personalised routine by grouping individual actions. 

    With the routine function, you can control multiple voice- controlled devices including Panasonic’s network-enabled air conditioners. 

    Read more about: Air Conditioning Service

    How many rooms can a mini split cool?  

    A mini-split system can add more evaporator units (up to 4 precisely) to one condenser unit. So it can technically cool up to four rooms. Mini-split systems are also more efficient than window units. Moreover, they last longer as well.  

    Is a split system cheaper to run than a ducted system?  

    When it comes to the running cost, Split systems are way cheaper to run when compared to ducted air conditioner. The only limitation to a split system’s performance is its small area coverage in comparison to the ducted system that can cover multiple rooms. What is more, Split systems are also easier to install and more affordable to maintain as well. 

    Panasonic Wall-mounted TZ Super-compact Inverter Specification 

    Smart Home Compatible With Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant 
    BTU 9000 
    Airflow 660 
    Filter Type Anti-Bacterial Filter 
    Cost Pence Per Hour 23.76 
    Fixed Or Portable Fixed 
    Finish Or Colour  White 
    For Rooms Upto m2 14 M² 
    For Conservatories Upto m2 7 M² 
    Minimum Voltage 230 v 
    Heating Function  Yes 
    Noise Level Maximum 26 Db 
    Mounting  Wall 
    power consumption 650 w 
    Operating Temperature Minimum  -15 CELSIUS 
    Remote Control  Yes (Supplied) 
    Refrigerant  R32 
    Voltage  230 v 
    Smart Home Compatible  Yes 
    Weight Indoor Unit  8 KG 
    Depth 209 mm 
    Depth Outdoor  289 mm 
    Height  290 mm 
    Height Outdoor  542 mm 
    Weight  8 KG 
    Width 779 mm 
    Width Outdoor  780 mm 

    Read about: Commercial Air Conditioning

    Domestic Air Conditioning Service & Repair 

    What are the advantages of the split system? 

    •   Cost-effective  

    A split system unit is cost-effective to install. It is designed to cool different sizes of buildings such as a small industrial unit or a big hotel and a shopping centre. Without a doubt, the cost of this system will be determined by how many cassettes you are going with and the capacity of your condensers. We can provide you with a tailored quote.   

    •    An easy installation process  

    Unlike traditional systems, split systems need much less work to install. There will be no need for ductwork when it comes to installing split systems. However, an opening of about 3 inches in diameter is required for the connector between your indoor and outdoor units. All that is needed then is an access to electricity and a location for mounting your unit. Different lengths for refrigerant tubes are offered by Manufacturers. Your indoor and outdoor units can be up to 100 feet apart.  

    •    Quiet Operations  

    This type of indoor ductless unit operates as quietly as 19 decibels. This is much quieter than a window unit. What is more, the ductless condenser is slimmer and can make it easy for positioning in different locations if noise might be a problem or where there is not much space.   

    •     More Energy Efficient  

    A lot of energy is lost through ductwork. With leaky ducts you can have a loss of up to 30 percent in the cooling energy. Energy efficiency problems can occur when you have uninsulated ductwork or ductwork that has been installed in unconditioned spaces. Due to their ductless design, split systems can increase your energy savings and reduces money spent on future utility bills. In fact, ductless air conditioners, in some cases, can reach double the efficiency of a standard air conditioner.  

    •     More Security  

    When it comes to security, then a split system is more secure than a window unit, which can enable intruders a way to break into your home. There will not be any security threats from the small hole in your conduit as it does not represent much threat to the safety of your home. A large opening in your wall or window, however, can make you a target for intruders.  

    •     Zoning   

    Split systems have the ability to cool different places of your home through splitting the space into zones. To put it simply, each zone will have its own thermostat. When you have separate thermostats, you will be able to control each area separately. As a result, you will use less energy while saving money at the same time.   

    Ductless air conditioners can be perfect for renovations where ducting is not possible. It can also be useful in older homes with poor distribution or electrically-heated houses and homes with hydronic heating.  

    •   They Go Well with Your Décor  

    Indoor installation is very flexible with a split air conditioner. They can be either suspended from the ceiling or hung on walls. Moreover, Jackets can be used to make them look more elegant and sophisticated. What is more, unlike window units which require you to make a hole in your wall or fill your window space, split systems are less obtrusive. 

    Read about: Daikin Wall Mounted Air Conditioning

    Panasonic air conditioner Review

    Is a split system cheaper to run than a ducted system?  

    When it comes to the running cost, Split systems are way cheaper to run when compared to ducted air conditioner. The only limitation to a split system’s performance is its small area coverage in comparison to the ducted system that can cover multiple rooms. What is more, Split systems are also easier to install and more affordable to maintain as well.  

    Can Split systems heat and cool?  

    Ductless mini-split systems are energy efficient air conditioning and heating options, environmentally friendly and completely customizable. They offer homeowners the ability to cool and heat specific areas of their homes to the exact temperature they want, providing both consistent and exceptional year-round comfort. 

    Why Smart Adapt for your air conditioning? 

    We’re Punctual  

    We always aim for simplicity and quality of work. Using the latest and the beat management system to schedule jobs and confirm appointments, send reminders and issue certificates and send bills. We offer next-day installations and emergency services as well. We’re very quick to respond to your call and will be at your doorstep in no time. 

    We Care 

    Establishing a good relationship with our customers is our priority. We always take the time to understand what your heating requirements are. We do our best so as not to create any sort of disruption to your home or make so much noise.  

    Experienced Staff  

    Our experience in the heating business has paved the way for us to expand further and provide our services nationwide. We’re very committed to our work. Our engineers are helpful and informative. They are highly skilled and have a wide knowledge of their trade. Our services include: boiler installation, maintenance, repair and boiler service plan. We work with all types of air conditioners. 

    Read also:

    Ducted air conditioning system

    Split Air Conditioning

    Daikin Air Conditioners Review

    Any more questions?

    If you have any further questions about Combi boilers, other Boilers, or anything else, please see our FAQ Page because you might find the answers there or on our News Blog.

    Check out our Gas Safe Registration or want to see our near 5 star Trustpilot rating please click the relevant link!


    Is a split air conditioner worth the money?  

    Mini-split systems are an excellent investment for both domestic and commercial structures as well. They allow spot heating and cooling that works independently of a central system, which allows efficient and economical control for only those occupied areas in your home or business.  

    What is the difference between AC and Split AC unit? 

    The capacity of an AC unit, or its cooling ability, is mostly based on its tonnage. However, split ACs are mounted high and designed to cool larger spaces. On the hand, window ACs are better for air circulation in smaller rooms. What is more, it is possible to get split ACs of a high tonnage, of above 2 tons.  

    How many rooms can a mini split cool? 

    A mini-split system can add more evaporator units (up to 4 precisely) to one condenser unit. So it can technically cool up to four rooms. Mini-split systems are also more efficient than window units. Moreover, they last longer as well. 

    26 Jul, 2023

    Panasonic air conditioner Review

    What are the best features of Panasonic Wall-mounted TZ Super-compact Inverter? What is the difference between AC and Split AC...